The other day when I was looking up different ideas for blog posts I came across one that made my imagination run wild. The idea was that I would write all about what my ideal life as a photographer would look like. I found myself daydreaming all day and knew that I had to get my thoughts together and do just that.
My Ideal Life as a Photographer
It’s 6:00 AM. The sun is shining in through my window and it’s time to workout. I feel like it’s been years since I’ve been able to do it, but it was only just yesterday that I did. I can’t believe I went so long without having that in my life, but crazy things happen when you have a baby. They become more important than taking care of yourself, and your own welfare gets put on the back burner. I think every mom would tell you that! I bust out my work, take a shower, get ready for the day, and Raylee wakes up. 7:30, just like clockwork.
We eat breakfast. She tells me some crazy story about her dreams she had last night. I have yet to check Instagram, or Facebook, and I don’t feel like it’s going to be the end of the world, or that my business is going to fail. I hired a young girl who LOVES to be on social media, and she is now in control of what posts and when. She’s better than I ever was at choosing which image to post next and to keep my “theme” going. We’ll call her Rachel. Rachel is amazing. She takes care of my IG post and also makes sure that my Facebook is updated with every blog I write. I finally feel like I’m in the position that I don’t have to keep writing blogs, but that I can revisit old ones when I need to. That’s a great place to be. I mean really though, how many times can you write about making sure your wedding timeline is perfect, am-i-right?
I have to take Raylee to gymnastics, and then have a meet up with a few other vendors that are coming together for a planned shoot with me. Think mountains and epic views, the latest wedding trends, a gorgeous lace two piece wedding dress, and the PERFECT couple who’s 120% in love. Oh yes. It seems like more and more wedding that I shoot are pretty similar to that shoot though, and I absolutely love it. I love being able to hike to those amazing location, maybe with a few waterfalls in between. That adventure combined with the couples love comes together in epic proportions.
It’s amazing to be able to think more about Raylee and what she’s doing, as well as what I love to do with my business than it is to worry about how many “likes” I’ve gotten on my latest post. I’m so over that.
I just filed my last year taxes, and my CPA told me that I need to work harder. HA. She was totally kidding, but she doesn’t think it’s fair that I get to go to so many awesome locations, and make the kind of money I do. I even made more money than Justin this year. I need to be careful though….much more and we’ll go into the next tax bracket! YIKES!
But I feel good. I love my clients, and I love that I’m able to give them an experience that they can only get with me. I’m loving that I get to spend less time online, and more with Raylee and Justin. I’m grateful that we get to take fun vacations and go see some amazing places thanks to my business.
Well that was kind of fun…I could go on and on, and now i’m pretty sure I could even write a novel about my ideal photographer life, but I feel like I’m headed in the right direction this year, and can’t wait to see what 2017 brings! đ
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