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Happy Birthday to ME! | Personal

July 1, 2016

Hi, I'm Misty.
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I can’t believe I’m 28 guys. Well I kind of can…..

Happy Birthday to Me

For the last two years, when someone asked how old I am, I couldn’t remember off the top of my head. I had to count back the years to be sure. It was a toss up between 26, 27, and 28, and I really couldn’t remember. I feel like since I had Raylee, everything has kind of been a blur. I don’t know how she is 2 years old already! Where does the time go?!

I remember when I was little, I couldn’t believe that someday I was going to be OLD! I remember when 21 seemed like that was the end of it, that life was over once you turned 21.  21 came and went pretty quick, and before I knew it, I was 22 and getting married. 25 came along and I was a whole quarter of a century old. That doesn’t seem very old. And then there’s this year. 28! 28 years of technology changing, and the nation changing, pretty much life as we know it is completely different. Every year it changes so much.

I remember watching VHS, having to rewind them because of the little sticker reminded you “please be kind, rewind” but having to use a separate machine than the VCR because that was WAY too slow. I remember having an apple computer that ran DOS. When I was with my sisters a few weeks ago, we were reminiscing about all the awesome games that we had on that computer. Battle Chess, Hugo where you were a man stuck in the jungle and your lover got bit by a poisonous spider and you had to find a medicine man to save her, Duke Nukem, Jack the Jack Rabbit. When floppy disks were really flopppy. Oh, those were the days.

I remember when iPods came out. I remember how cool I thought I was when I bought a 7 mp camera for my own graduation present, as well as a 32 gb iPod which was HUGE at the time.

I remember my mom using film cameras, and that you had to wait like a month to get it back.

–That only the rich kids had Satellite TV.
–That only the rich kids got toaster struddels.
–That the best lunch at school was fries, and string-things!

There’s so many things I’ve gone through, and been a part of. It’s all pretty amazing really. The past few years have been great, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds. I still have 2 years, but so far, 30 isn’t looking too bad. 🙂

happy birthday to misty C. Photography


  1. Bri says:

    Aw, happy birthday girl!!

  2. Happy birthday my beautiful friend!!!

  3. Mahlia says:

    Happy birthday Misty!

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