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How to Balance Work and Being a Mom | For Photographers

January 12, 2017

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I feel like I need to start this blog with this. I am, by no means, and expert in time management. I probably spend WAY too much time online and not enough with my crazy, tornado of a toddler. There are days that she ends up watching Disney movies throughout the day when I have a huge chunk of editing that I need to work on, but I do my darndest to do my best. I think that’s all we can do for the most part. I do know there are ways that you can makes things JUST a bit easier though. So here it is: how to balance work and being a mom.

Set Work Hours

This is one thing that I absolutely have to do. If you don’t figure out what times work best for you so you can be the most productive, then you spend WAY too much time NOT being productive. I like to pick my work hours based on what time my tornado toddler takes her nap and goes to bed. This is totally different from kid to kid, but for us, it works best if i work from about 2:30-5:30. Monster (we’ll just call her monster) is sleeping and I don’t have to get up every 15 minutes to get her apple sauce, or clean up the water she spilled everywhere, or any other assortment of things she did while I was trying to work. It gives me time to sit down, really focus on the task that needs to be done, and bust it out! Another time that I like to do this is after she goes to bed, BUT I don’t do that every night. I do like to see my hubby every once in a while, and after he’s been at work all day, if after Monster goes to bed I go play on my computer, then I don’t get to talk to him until I go to bed, and he get’s cranky. No one wants that.

bloucher falls comet falls with raylee 0004

So set your work hours. Boom.

Find Childcare

I know that not everyone will have the option to work during nap time. Some of you may have a full time job, and your child is at daycare most of the day. Then you come home, still have a ton of things to do to keep your business afloat, and make dinner. AHHH! That even stressed me out just writing it. Sometimes it can be helpful to ask for help from friends and family members. If you can get even an hour or two of someone watching your child during the day, that gives you two free hours to get stuff done!


Outsource, Outsource, Outsource!

There’s always things that you are great at with your business. You’re quick, efficient, and get the job done well! There are also things you might not be quite as quick with, or that someone else COULD do. Those are the things that you can outsource! Be it editing, or my favorite album design, even housecleaning,  or LAUNDRY!! You can outsource those things to get back that time in your life to be able to spend more time with your kiddos.

If you feel like you are spending all of your time in front of your computer, editing hour after hour, and still are SWAMPED with more sessions, I would definitely recommend checking into outsourcing editing. There are so many companies out there who are quick, and will give you your life back. You can also even look into personal editors! The sky is the limit, my friends.

When I was at United this year, I had some time to talk to James and Jessica Wittmayer, and they told me how they outsourced laundry and how amazing it was. Now if you’re like me and live in a rural area, that might be a little more difficult, but if you live in a bigger city, i’d totally check into that! That’s a win in my book!

There’s so many other things you could outsource, too. Make a list of what you do for your business. Check what things YOU HAVE to do, and then look to see what are things SOMEONE else could do. You’ll get SO much time back!

So there you go! Just a few things that can help be a better momma to those kiddos.

PC: Terra Nyce Photography

If you’re a mom, what are somethings YOU do to make sure you’re spending enough time with your kids?


  1. Jesi says:

    I love this post! I find it challenging to balance my work and family life while starting a business! But, I continue to work on it every day!

  2. Yes!! Finding balance is so hard! Sticking to office hours is so difficult for me mentally, but when I do it, everything runs more smoothly!

  3. Jill says:

    LOVE this post- it is a tricky balance but these 3 things help SO much!!!

  4. Karen says:

    Great tips!!! It’s tricky,but it can be done!

  5. Candi says:

    I agree!!! I so want to outsource cleaning this year!

  6. Work life balance is one of the hardest things about being a business owner, for sure!

  7. Sara says:

    I have no idea how you mommas balance it all, but I’m tucking this post away for the future 😉 But outsourcing laundry?? YES!!

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