When I was scheduling my summer, and booking weddings, I knew there was one thing for sure. I didn’t want to be SO booked that by the end of the year I was feeling burned out, and tired of my job. Because of that, I made sure to only book one wedding in August this year. It was a BEAUTIFUL wedding just last Saturday, and it was perfect to keep me all warmed up for my upcoming fall weddings. I also knew that I wanted to spent time with family during August, and one of those trips included going to Rockaway Beach, Oregon with my hubbies family!
Last week was actually FULL of travel. The week before I had spent a few days in Utah with my sisters and my parents for a short girls weekend. I rarely get to see my sisters because 3 out of the 4 of them live down in Utah/Wyoming and they are busy ladies with their kiddos, and life, and being a wife and all that jazz, but we were able to find a weekend that worked for all of us so we made it happen. My parents, my sister, and myself drove home from Salt Lake on Sunday (a 12-ish hour drive with stops), and then Monday me, Justin and Raylee loaded up and headed for the coast.
It’s really not fun to be stuck in a car for 12 hours one day, and then 6 hours the next day….especially when you’re pregnant, and are restless, and just want to sleep, but can’t get comfortable. We all survived, but I’m ok if I don’t have to be in a car that long for a while.
The house we stayed at was pretty much right along the beach. We had a short little walk through some trees, but the kids all loved it.
Now, if you don’t know Raylee, you should know that she’s probably THE WORST listener in the entire toddler universe. THE WORST. It was stressful for me the entire time we were down there, but fortunately enough, she didn’t have any wish to get into the ocean so at least I had that barrier on my side. She did love spending time with all her cousins, even if all she wanted to do was sit in the hot tub with the big kids and then she cried and cried when I wouldn’t let her. She never got to get in the hot tub, but she had PLENTY of baths. HA!
I didn’t think a kid could collect SO MUCH SAND everywhere. I should have got a picture of the aftermath of the bathtubs after the water drained. It was basically a sand dune. Just great.
While the kiddos played, us grownups got to visit, laugh, make food, eat yummy tacos (somehow that was all we had while we down there, but none of us complained! 🙂 and just have a nice few days off work. That’s always fun.
On our way home, I did tell Justin that we won’t be going to the beach until both these children are like 5, so maybe in another 5 years we’ll head to the coast. HA! Until then….
I forgot to mention that it was a brisk 60 degrees and pretty misty. HA! See what I did there? 😛
Chasing Seagulls…
None painted toes…because nobody has time for that.
Practicing our Dirty Dancing lifts….
The first photo of the four of us… 🙂
Raylee was SOOOO concerned about anyone going by the ocean and she kept yelling at them to come back.
Look at that stud. *woot wooooo*
Day 2– Hug Point
I got a tilt shift lens to play around with it….I didn’t love it.
This mermaid loved playing in the sand…
I HAD to pull my drone out for a few beach shots….i HAD to. 🙂
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