Tricities Wedding Photographer





Film Photography | Personal

March 28, 2016

Hi, I'm Misty.
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Since I started this photography business, I always toyed with the idea of shooting film as well as shooting digital. There are many photographers out there who shoot both digital and film photography for their clients, and I LOVE the look of their film images. There is just something more precise and purposeful with film and I love that.

Film Photography Camera

Recently I was going through the gear that I don’t use and remember that I had a black Holdfast Moneymaker that was just sitting in my office. It had seen maybe one day of work, and then it threw it on the floor to never be used again. I already had a brown one, and for one reason or another, I thought I needed another color. Well, after I used it, I decided that I really didn’t need it. It’s been sitting on my floor for about a year and so I thought I would try to sell it. It wasn’t until I was typing up the sale post that I thought maybe I could trade someone for a film camera they have lying around! I put the post up, and actually had a lot of people that were interested in the strap! Some how, I was able to perk the interest of a guy who happened to have a TON of film equipment, and he was SO great!! We had agreed on a camera to trade, but he didn’t feel like it was a fair trade, and agreed to pay me money on top of the camera for the strap, while I was just happy to have a camera. After he had tried to make sure everything was working on the camera, it turned out the film advance wasn’t working correctly. I was super bummed when he broke the news, but was very grateful that he was honest! BUT, then he told me that he had a camera that he had used for school, that had been his personal film camera that he would be willing to part with as well as 3 different lenses! I felt like I hit the film photography jackpot! We made the deal, and when I was getting ready to pack my strap up, and send it, he told me he was going to throw in another body that he had that just sat on his shelf….WHAT!?!?! I still can’t believe it.

Film Photography Camera

SO! Now, I am the happy owner of a Pentax Super Me, as well as a Nikon EL2, with a few different lenses for the Pentax. I still need to find a lens for the Nikon body, but I loaded up that Pentax and started shooting as soon as I got it. It is kind of nerve-wracking to shoot, and not have ANY idea what your film looks like. But I’m so excited to see how the first roll turns out.

Film Photography Camera

At this point, I have a shoot in a few weeks that I’m planning on filling the remaining portion of my first roll with, and then I’ll send it in to be processed! I can’t wait to show you guys what I come out with! Until then, you’ll just have to be as patient as me! 🙂


  1. Congrats! I can’t wait to see what you create with this!

  2. Candi says:

    Fun!! We used to shoot on an old school Pentax years ago for fun! I still have it somewhere! I may have to pull it out and play!

  3. Sara says:

    FUN!! So excited to see your film images!

  4. Oh fun! Can’t wait to see what you produce!!

  5. Joanna says:

    Fun! I have been wanting to try out film for a while. Can’t wait to see what you create!

  6. christina says:

    yay!!! I have the Nikon f100 and I have literally shot one roll and I haven’t even had it developed….I’ve had the camera over a year now LOL

  7. Raelene says:

    YES!! This is so great! I can’t wait to see your scans!

  8. Jill says:

    Oh it is SUCH a dream of mine to dip into film- this is so fun and cant’ wait to see where it takes you!

  9. So fun!!! I want to get a film camera too!!!

  10. Leslie Ann says:

    I started weddings on film and loved it, especially the B&W but definately appreciate the digital world

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