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Baby V || The Struggle of Infertility

April 22, 2015

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Infertility is such a struggle for so many people now a days. It kills me when I think of someone not being able to have babies. We had a very real scare ourselves, and I had to ask myself what would happen if we couldn’t have babies after my husband had to go through chemo and radiation.

According to the CDC, over 10% of women ages 15-44 have an impaired ability to get pregnant. That is astounding to me in this day and age, with all the medical advances we have today.

When Angie got in touch with me to take photos for her, after I heard her story, I couldn’t help but say yes. Her and her husband had been trying to get pregnant for over 4 1/2 years, and she found out she had PCOS, or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Women with PCOS can have enlarged ovaries that contain small collections of fluid. The cause is unknown, and it cause a plethora of issues. Infertility being one of them.  She had several complications and they tried everything they could do, and spent immense amounts of money on all the testing and pre-IVF procedures before they could even try IVF.

After time, money, and lots of prayers, it was time to try IVF.  They placed two embryos in her womb.

One took.

They don’t know if they will be able to have more children in the future, but this little one is going to be loved beyond belief by so many. I’m so happy I get to be a part of their journey.

We took Angie’s maternity photos a few weeks ago, and as of today, i’m on call waiting for this little one to be born (due date is May 6th) to photograph that special day. Angie is THE epitome of a maternity glow. She’s gorgeous, and pregnant looks good on her.

Again, i’m so grateful I get to be a part of this with them. —Here they are, The Valdivinos’ and Baby V.




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