Tricities Wedding Photographer




For Brides

5 Tips for Wedding Day Bliss

May 29, 2015

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We’ve all seen it, or heard about it. The bridezilla coming out on her wedding day-or maybe even before. Your hair dresser took too long on your hair so you don’t have as much time for pictures *gasp*, your makeup artist showed up late, your groom is hungover this morning (oh, it happens!), your flowers aren’t there. Anything that can go wrong did, or will. Well, I’m here to help you out.

Having been a bride myself, I know what these silly things can make what should be the happiest day of your life turn into the most stressful. So, here are a few tips and tricks to lessen that stress and truly make your wedding day the happiest!

1. Make sure all your vendors know what time and the specific address of where they need to be.

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Nothing is worse then miscommunication, and that includes not giving them all the information. YOU need to make sure they know where they’re going, and how long it will take to get there, so they can arrive on time. Most vendors do their homework, but there will be few that don’t. It never hurts to help them out a little.

2. Do a trial run for hair.

5 tips for wedding day bliss have a trial hair run

Some hair dressers offer this, some don’t, but I definitely recommend it either way. This helps make sure they know what you want, how your hair works, how long it takes (that’s a big one) and you can tweak things before the wedding day if it’s not just right. This can help your timing on wedding day. There’s nothing worse than not getting certain pictures taken because your hair took all your time. Some hair dresser like to use their own space at their salon for your hair, but TRY to get them to come to you! Then you don’t have to worry about driving here and there and taking more time! Also, get YOUR hair done first! Then you can enjoy the rest of your time with your girls.

3. Make sure someone knows how your dress goes on!

5 tips for wedding day bliss know how your dress goes on

Sure, this sounds silly, but whether you have a corset, bustle, or a ZILLION buttons, make sure someone with you knows how to do it properly. It helps if you bring you mom, or maid of honor, or someone that will be there day of to come with you on your final dress fitting so they can get the low down! Then you don’t have to stress that your dress isn’t laced up right, or the bow in your sash is lop sided (it happens).

4. Bring a “nice” hanger for your dress.

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Without a pretty hanger…..

With a pretty hanger….SO much better

This tip comes from the photographer side of me, and if I’m your wedding photographer, you better believe I bring a hanger to get those dress shots. There’s something about taking a dress shot with one of this cheap plastic hangers all dresses come on. It’s definitely not as elegant. So whether it’s a plain wood hanger, or one of the ones with wire bent to your married name, ANYTHING is better than that plastic hanger!

4. Get your rings cleaned.


100 circle farm wedding paterson wa cole and stephanie

Check out that bling!

This is one of the easiest. Take your ring to your jeweler and they’ll do it in like 5 minutes, and it will be SO shiny on your wedding day! I’d say do it the day before.

5. Get your sleep! And then some.

The anticipation of your wedding day may make this one a bit difficult, but try to get your beauty sleep. Drink plenty of water the week leading up to the wedding day. Eat right. Steer clear of alcohol. And relax. Everything will turn out perfect. So get your sleep and just enjoy what’s about to transpire in the next 24 hours. It’s going to be the happiest day of your life! 🙂


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